Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Land Remembered

Keith Tiger is a supporting character in A Land Remembered.  He appears in the beginning of the book with fellow Indians and the McIvey clan befriends all of them. In return for their friendliness and hospitality, the Indians work wonders through the vast terrain and provide the family with just what they needed to get a jump start in the cattle industry. Keith Tiger also provides Tobias McIvey with great advice throughout the book, helping him become a very prosperous cattle driver. To me, Keith Tiger and his tribe are very powerful and important figures in the book. Even though they don’t appear too often, they act as omnipotent guardians to the McIvey gang.


Having a relationship with the natural world is very important to Indians. We see this relationship as Keith Tiger informs Tobias McIvey that he must not rush his cattle through the prairie in order to get to a selling station quickly, but instead he must let them take their time and gain weight so they can be sold for much more. This is a key part in the story because when McIvey goes to sell his cattle, he gets a much larger profit. Also, it is apparent that Keith Tiger and his tribe are very knowledgeable of the lands of Florida as they travel about. When McIvey and his son go to visit the tribe, they are told that the tribe will know when they are there, because they have eyes in the trees.


It is very apparent that Keith Tiger feels a sense of place when he is surrounded by nature. He is very experienced with his sense of place, and would feel ‘out of place’ anywhere else. His people look to him for advice and help, especially when they are in a time of need. This is because he knows of all of the trees, plants, bodies of water, and the terrain that surrounds them, and knows how to utilize it to their advantage. Although he is not the tribe’s medicine man, he is still takes a dominant role in ensuring the health of others, even Tobias. In leaving a legacy, I feel as though with everything Keith Tiger has taught Tobias McIvey, McIvey will pass on all of the great knowledge to those that come after him. Keith Tiger also has a big, forgiving heart, and I feel that because it is obvious, Tobias also picks up on this. When Keith Tiger’s grandson died, Tobias did seek revenge, but he did not kill them in return. He wanted to feel a bit of satisfaction and make Keith Tiger proud. Keith Tiger also forgives Zech for what he did to Tawanda. I do feel that Keith Tiger left behind a smart and loving legacy for those that were close to him.


I relate to this character because I, too, have a big heart and enjoy helping others. I’m a firm believer that if someone does something for you, you should return the favor. I also invite people into my life with open arms, the way Keith Tiger did to Tobias and his family. Although I do not have a strong affection for nature the way Keith Tiger does, I feel that I would if I grew up in the same environment and time period.

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